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You can germinate lima beans by putting them between two paper towels, covering them with something that light does not get through like a newspaper and keeping them wet.

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Q: Can lima beans germinate without soil?
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Can lima beans grow without soil?

Yes lima beans can grow without soil but it's not the soil that makes the difference it is what is in the soil................................ the nutrients.

Which soil is best for lima beans growth?

The best soil is potting soil for a Lima bean growth.

Do lima beans grow better in soil or water?


Is sunlight needed to germinate a Lima bean seed?

No, because sunlight can not reach a seed when it is in the soil, but plants still germinate.

Do lima beans grow well in acidic or basic?

Beans prefer soil that is near neutral in pH. 6.0 to 6.8 is preferred. So lima beans prefer a slightly acidic soil.

Can lima beans grow in milk?

No, lima beans cannot grow in milk. Lima beans require soil, water, sunlight, and nutrients to grow properly. Planting lima beans in milk would not provide the necessary conditions for the plant to thrive.

How many days does it take for lima beans to grow 5 inches?

It typically takes 70-90 days for lima beans to reach a height of 5 inches, depending on growing conditions and variety. Regular watering, adequate sunlight, and proper soil nutrients can help speed up growth.

Why green beans do not grow without soil?

Why green beans do not grow without soil

Does lima beans grow faster in sugar water or tap water?

Lima beans typically grow better in tap water as it provides essential nutrients and minerals for growth. Sugar water can potentially harm the plant by leading to imbalanced nutrient uptake and promoting the growth of harmful bacteria. It is recommended to stick with tap water for the healthiest growth of lima beans.

Can dry kidney beans grow in soil?

No, dry kidney beans are seeds that need to be properly planted in soil to germinate and grow into a plant. The beans need moisture, warmth, and nutrients from the soil to sprout and develop into a healthy plant.

Does a bean grow better in soil or water?

Beans typically grow better in soil rather than water. Soil provides the necessary nutrients and structure for the roots to grow properly. While beans can germinate in water, they may not thrive in the long run without the proper nutrients found in soil.

Do pinto beans grow in water or soil best?

water for three days then rich soil should do the job