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Q: Can gerbils eat brussel sprouts
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Can hamsters eat brussel sprouts?

No hamsters are cannabillistic

What is a good way to encourage children to eat brussel sprouts?

Brussel sprouts are not really essential to eat. However, a good way to encourage children to eat vegetables is to mix them in with other foods which would be ones they like eating.

What types of vegetables can bearded dragons eat, and do they enjoy brussel sprouts as part of their diet?

Bearded dragons can eat a variety of vegetables such as collard greens, kale, and bell peppers. They can also eat brussel sprouts occasionally, but they should not be a staple in their diet. Bearded dragons may enjoy brussel sprouts as part of their diet, but they should be fed in moderation.

Why are Brussel Sprouts green?

Brussel Sprouts are green because it wpuld be odd if they were purple

What type of foods do Russia eat?

Potatoes, cooked cabbage, and brussel sprouts.

How do you get poisoned?

you eat reallyweird vegetables like brocolli, asparagus, and brussel sprouts

Are rabbits aloud brussle sprouts?

Brussel Sprouts are a gassy veggie. I don't feed my rabbits any gassy veggies as the rabbit is unable to burp and if you have it in a cage it is unable to eat Mother Natures natural medicinal remedies.

What don't Aston Merrygold like?

He is scared of dogs and doesn't like to eat Brussel sprouts

When should you eat hot cross buns?

not at the same time as tuna pasta or brussel sprouts

What plant part is brussel sprouts?

What part of the plant is the brussel sprout from

What vegtables are pooey?

brussel sprouts

Who invented the brussel sprouts?

a person