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Most common is Polywog or Poliwog. Others I seen used but not necessarily proper are Toadpole, Toadlet, Froglet, Frog Fry, Toad Fry and Hatchling.

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Q: Besides tadpole what is another name for a young frog or toad?
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Related questions

Is a tadpole a young frog?

yes. a tadpole is a young frog. A Tadpole MAY be a young frog but all tadpoles are not neccessarily young frogs. There are several species of creature like Newts and Toads etc that also have a tadpole stage.

What is the young ones of frog and silkworm?

Frog, egg - tadpole. Silkworm IS the young of the Silk Moth.

How do we call a young frog?


What isYoung frog?

A tadpole is a young frog that has yet to develop into an adult frog.

What are the 5 metamorphic stages of a frog?

A frog goes through five metamorphic stages. This starts as eggs, then to tadpole, tadpole with legs, young frog and then adult frog.

A baby frog is known as a tadpole What is another name for a tadpole?


What are the stages of a frog's life cycle called?

Egg, tadpole, young, frog

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What starting with t is the name of a young of a frog?


What is the difference between a young of a frog and the adult frog?

A young frog is a tadpole and has a tale and no legs while the adult frog has legs, but no tail.

What are the stages of a frog's life cycle?

There are 5 stages.Egg,tadpole,young frog(forglet),adult frog,and death.

Who besides fish use gills?

i think a toad, tadpole, frog, etc. or a salamander