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For the longest time, it was thought that the frogs and the toads were two different kinds of animals. All toad-like species were placed in the family of the toads, Bufonidae. This split was based on the following caracteristics:

*toads have a warty skin, frogs have a smooth skin

*toads have shorter hind legs, frogs longer hindlegs

*toads cannot jump or swim as well as frogs

Since the 80's we know that these caracteristics are spread through all the frogs and toads. There are frogs with a warty skin that cannot jump so well because of their shorter hind legs (Alytes). There are also toads with smooth skin and longer hindlegs (Atelopus). We call this diversity of caracteristics convergent evolution.

Sometimes this change of vison is confusing, because species that were formerly assigned tot the toad-family, are know considered to be a frog, but the name 'toad' is still used in their common name! An example is the famous firebelly toad. This animal is, dispite its name, not a toad, but is considered a toad-like frog.

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15y ago
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15y ago

warts do not come from toads, warts coming from toads is just a myth. Frogs don't give you warts either. Frogs and toads will both pee on you, though. So just be aware for some pee, in which the toad or frog is defending its self.

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15y ago

No the small bumps look like warts and are also called warts but are in fact slime- and poison glands. The urban legend you can get warts if you handle a toad is not true; warts on humans are caused by a virus and not via toads. Although most think warts are caused by toads, this is nothing but a myth. But if you handle one make sure to wash your hands after you have, because they can carry minor infections.

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7y ago

No kind of toads give you warts.

Warts are caused by a virus that is only found on humans.

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11y ago

Nope, that's and old wive's tale.

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Are toad frogs

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