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All I can think of off the top of my head is the Xenopus and Xray frog.

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Q: Are there any frog species that start with a x or z for the name of it?
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Do any frog types start with the letter z?

no no frog types start with the letter Z

What would the scientific name for a frog and a mouse mixed together?

Any new species is given a new scientific name. In the case of a frog and a mouse, the two cannot breed as they aren't closely related. Mice are mammals while frogs are amphibians.

Are there any species on earth with red eyes?

Yes. There is a frog with red eyes. Was it called a three toed tree frog?

Can you let a pet frog go?

This depends on what species it is. If you got the frog from the wild around your area, it's probably fine, but if its a frog from a pet shop the answer is definitely no. Don't want any invasive species running around eating the other froggies!

Can any male frog mate with any female frog?

In general, most frog species exhibit specific mating behaviors and have particular preferences for their own species when choosing a mate. Additionally, there are biological and ecological factors that can influence successful mating between different frog species. Therefore, it is not common for any male frog to mate with any female frog.

What is a Red poison dart frog?

A red poison dart frog, or any poison dart frog is a species of frog that has a highly toxic fluid in its skin that can poison an animal simply by touching it. The cyanide from the frog transfers to the skin of an animal and into its pores.

How do the wood frog and the bullfrog retain their identities as separate species?

Almost any male frog is able to create sounds with a vocal sac, and the females are sensitive only to the sound of their own species. Sometimes different species will hybridise, but these hybrids have a smaller chance of survival.

How do you tell what species your frog is?

See any good vet they will be alble to tell you if not a vet see a zoologist

How do you say frog in any native American language?

In Hopi, the name Pakwa means frog. However, I'm not exactly sure whether or not it means frog in any other context.

Smiley's frog is named Andrew Jackson?

That's a unique name for a frog! I wonder if there is any specific reason or significance behind choosing the name Andrew Jackson?

Are leopard frogs?

Snakes and turtles are the biggies. Also includes some species of fish, mammals like skunks and raccoons, and some birds.

Is escargot a garden snail?

From an earlier answer:'Escargot' is the generic name for snails, of any species.