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The forelimb is not webbed instead the hind legs.

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yes so they can swim easier

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12y ago

yes but not as much as the hind feet

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Q: Are the forelegs of a frog webbed?
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Related questions

How many toes does a frog have in its forelegs?

only four

Does the frog have webbed toes?

yes it dose

Are jellyfish a amphibian?

No, amphibians have webbed feet, like a frog.

Do you know any special featurs a frog has?

webbed toes, although i do know some one with webbed toes, it is gross

What you call parts adjoining frog's toes?

feet webbing. or webbed foot.

How do frog's webbed feet help it in it's habitat?

to help them swim

What is the Harlequin tree frog?

it is a frog that is very rare and uses its webbed feet to glide in the air. i is very f-ing awesome

How many body parts does a frog have?

Frogs have four limbs, two hind legs and two forelegs.

What is a frog like animal?

A frog is an amphibious animal that typically has a moist skin, webbed feet, and bulging eyes. Frogs also have the ability to jump long distances and they lay their eggs in water.

What adaptation does a Northern Leopard Frog have to live in a wetland?

Webbed feet <3

Are there any endangered frogs in Indonesia?

There are many endangered frogs in Indonesia. The Banded Flying frog, Benkulen toad, Black-webbed tree frog, Bleeding toad, Blyth's River frog, Borean Flat-headed frog, and the Borneo Bubble-nest frog are just a few.

What are the differences between a frog's front and back toes?

A frog's front toes are typically smaller and more webbed than its back toes, which are usually larger and less webbed. Front toes help with gripping surfaces and maneuvering in water, while back toes provide propulsion for swimming and jumping.