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Q: Are frogs born under water or above?
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What animal is born under water?

Animals that are born under water are animals who most likely can breathe in the water. For instance, tadpoles ( frogs) start off born in the water and then grow until they can go in and out of the water. Examples of animals born under water: Fish Frogs Whales SharksA fish is born under water by marwa

Are all frogs born in the water?

Yes, they are born in eggs and like all amphibians are born in water.

Is a turtle born under or above water?

Neither. A turtle hatches from an egg buried in the sand on a beach.

Frogs that are born in water do they have to stay in it?

Most frogs that are born in water, such as tadpoles, do need to remain in water for at least part of their life cycle to complete their development. As they grow, they undergo metamorphosis where they transition from aquatic tadpoles to air-breathing adult frogs that can live on land. Once they have fully metamorphosed, they may still need access to water for breeding and hydration but can live on land for extended periods.

How does frogs get baby's?

It depends on the species, most frogs are born out of an egg, and metamorfose in the water. Some are born alive (eg Nectophrynoides), others are carried by their parents and are born out of a pouch on the back, or in the mouth of the adult frogs. Some extinct frogs are known to carry their young in their stomach (eg Rheobatrachus).

What happens when tadpoles are born in polluted water?

Pollution can harm frogs by air,food and many others. Frogs are diying out because we use wetlands to build roads and buildings

What animal in the savannah is born under water?

The hippo is born under water and lives on the Savannah.

How are frog babys?

It depends on the species, most frogs are born out of an egg, and metamorfose in the water. Some are born alive (eg Nectophrynoides), others are carried by their parents and are born out of a pouch on the back, or in the mouth of the adult frogs. Some extinct frogs are known to carry their young in their stomach (eg Rheobatrachus).

Were frog born alive?

No, Frogs lay eggs in water, which develop external to the female frog.

What animal is born under water and it is not a fish?

Whales and Dolphins are born under water and aren't fish.

Why can frog live on land and water and not humans?

Frogs have webbed feet for swimming, humans dont, Frogs have gills, Humans dont, and if they do not have gills, then they can hold their breath longer than any human could. Also, Frogs lay their eggs in water, which turn into tadpoles, and then frogs, our young are live born, and can only breathe air throughout their whole life.

Are frogs born in ponds?

Yes. Frogs lay their eggs in stagnant or still water. The eggs hatch into a little aquatic animal called a tadpole that slowly developes into an adult frog.