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bullfrogs are not poisonous but some bullfrogs out the outline of america are

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7y ago

Bullfrogs are not dangerous to humans.

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Q: Are bullfrogs dangerous
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Related questions

Are bullfrogs amphibians?

Yes, bullfrogs are amphibians.

Do bullfrogs have a brain?

Yes bullfrogs do have brains

What is the bullfrogs niche?

the bullfrogs place in the food chain.

Are bullfrogs extinct?

No, Bullfrogs are quite abundant; and in no danger of extinction.

What phylum does bullfrogs belong to?

Bullfrogs belong to the phylum Chordata.

When did Anaheim Bullfrogs end?

Anaheim Bullfrogs ended in 1999.

When was Anaheim Bullfrogs created?

Anaheim Bullfrogs was created in 1993.

When was Toledo Bullfrogs created?

Toledo Bullfrogs was created in 2008.

Are bullfrogs smart?

Yes bullfrogs are smart in unique way.

What does a bullfrog eat?

Bullfrogs eat Insects, small fish, snakes, and even frogs. Bullfrogs will even eat smaller bullfrogs.

Do you have pictures of tadpole bullfrogs?

You can find images of bullfrogs on wikimedia commons.

Do bullfrogs eat lilly pads?

No, bullfrogs are carnivores. They eat worms and insects.