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Q: Are armadillos born alive
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Related questions

How many armadillos are alive?

It constantly changes, because new armadillos are being born every hour to two hours!

Are the pink fairy armadillos born from eggs or born alive?

they are born alive hense there status as mammals dur

Are armidillows extinced?

Armadillos are not extinct. They are still alive and can be found in the Americas. However, some species of armadillos are threatened due to habitat loss and hunting.

How are armadillos born?

It comes out of its mom

What is a group of armadillo?

A pack of Armadillos. ARMADILLOS ROCK! A pack of Armadillos. ARMADILLOS ROCK! I have to agree with the "armadillos rock" but armadillos have no "group name" they're just called "a bunch" or a "pack" ARMADILLOS ARE THE BEST YOUR RIGHT I LOVE ARMADILLOS. And armadillos live in packs.

Do armadillos lay eggs or have babies?

Armadillos are placental mammals and give birth to live young.

What is a group of Armadillo called?

A pack of Armadillos. ARMADILLOS ROCK! A pack of Armadillos. ARMADILLOS ROCK! I have to agree with the "armadillos rock" but armadillos have no "group name" they're just called "a bunch" or a "pack" ARMADILLOS ARE THE BEST YOUR RIGHT I LOVE ARMADILLOS. And armadillos live in packs.

Are armadillos melons?

No, armadillos are not melons. Armadillos are animals and melons are fruit

Can armadillos fly?

No, armadillos cannot fly.

Are there any armadillos in Australia?

Armadillos are strictly animals of the Americas and do not occur in Australia.

How many days until baby armadillos open their eyes?

born with there eyes open

Are armadillos rabid?

Armadillos are considered as not a carrier of rabies.