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The salamanders will decrease in number because of water quality

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Q: A population of salamanders that live in a river require clear fresh water to survive a flood causes tons of sediment to be suspended in the river what will most likely will happen to the salamanders?
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What are salamaders?

Salamanders are amphibians with slender bodies, long tails, and moist skin. They are usually found near water sources, as they require moisture to survive. Salamanders come in a variety of colors and sizes, and are known for their ability to regenerate lost limbs.

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Yes, you can be suspended from work for not having chickenpox vaccine. Some jobs require proof of immunity to chickenpox. Talk with your attorney for information specific to your location.

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No because when it is suspended it is taken away from you. all 50 states, you can buy, own and register a car even if you are suspended. However, most dealerships will require a valid license and insurance to purchase a car. Most insurance companies will also give policies even if you are suspended ie. progressive.

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When can the right of habeas corpus be suspended?

The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in cases of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it.

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Ordinarily an auto insurer will require a valid license as a condition of issuing a liability policy.

May the Constitution be suspended by the President in time of national emergency?

No. The Constitution provides that Habeas Corpus may be suspended, if in times of rebellion or invasion, the public safety may require it. However, there is no provision for suspending the Constitution. Doing so would be unconstitutional.

When do salamanders come out of the woods and head for bodies of water?

Salamanders, unlike lizards, require water and moisture for all aspects of their life cycle. If the amount of rain has left pools of water that will remain through the Summer, many will not have to seek the long trek to ponds, streams and lakes outside of their wooded areas. It is all a matter of procreation and food, as with all amphibians.

If your driver license is suspended can someone with driver permit drive with you?

If your licence is suspended, you may not drive, period, nor may you be a supervising driver of someone operating a vehicle with a learner's permit - state laws require that the permit holder be supervised by a licenced driver.

Is driving on suspended license violation of probation in Virginia?

Yes it is. A condition of probation will require the probationer to obey all the laws. Driving a vehicle with a suspended license is an offense, and could subject the probationer to having his/her probation revoked or modified.

Who has the right to suspend habeas corpus?

The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in cases of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it.