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Because it declared that slavery was legal in every state of the Union.

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Q: Why were republicans angered by the dred Scott V. Sandford decision?
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What supreme court ruling said that blacks could not become citizens of the US?

Dred Scott v. Sandford,* 60 US 393 (1857)*Sandford is misspelled in the court documents; the respondent's real last name was Sanford.

Did the dred Scott decision angered the north?

It greatly angered the Abolitionists - remembering that most Northerners were not Abolitionists by any means.

What decision angered the north?

If you're doing the crossword, the Dred Scott descision.

Does this case remain relevant during Dred Scott v Sandford case?

No, the 14th Amendment supersedes the Dred Scott decision.

Who was the known slave that sued for his freedom in the case Dred Scott vs Sandford?

Dred Scott was the known slave who sued for his freedom in the case Dred Scott v. Sandford. The Supreme Court decision ruled against Scott, stating that as a slave, he was not a US citizen and therefore could not sue in federal court. This decision further fueled tensions over slavery in the US leading up to the Civil War.

Why were abolitionist angered by the Dred Scott decision?

Because the decision showed that the Supreme Court didn't think that any State could outlaw slavery.

Which of these events happened firstJohn Marshall became Chief Justice?

not- Roger Taney handed down the Dred Scott v. Sandford decision.

What was the legal impact of Dred Scott v. Sandford on the issue of slavery in the territories?

The Dred Scott v. Sandford decision ruled that African Americans, whether free or enslaved, did not have rights as citizens, and that Congress could not prohibit slavery in the territories. This decision further polarized the nation on the issue of slavery and heightened tensions leading up to the Civil War.

Who won dred Scott vs sandford?

Dred Scott lost

The United States Supreme Court decision in the Dred Scott v Sandford 1857 was important because it-?

The United States Supreme Court decision in the DDred Scott v. Sandford (1857 was important because it helped strengthen the determination of abolitionists to realize their goals.

What document states that slaves were not citizens?

The Dred Scott v. Sandford Supreme Court decision in 1857 is the document that stated that slaves were not citizens and had no legal rights.

What was a result of the deed Scott decision?

The Dred Scott v. Sandford decision in 1857 led to the ruling that African Americans could not be U.S. citizens and that the federal government could not regulate slavery in the territories. This decision further divided the nation on the issue of slavery, contributing to the tensions that eventually led to the Civil War.