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The thirteen colonies came together to fight the British but they had to make compromises to stay together. One compromise was to keep slavery since the southern states depended on it. Another compromise was representation. Each state had two senators but a number of representatives based on population. This was a compromise between big and small states.

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Q: Why was this compromise for the functioning of the U.S. government?
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The Great Compromise and the 3/5 compromise

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There were a number of compromises made in the US leading up to the US Civil War. The list is as follows:1. In order to have the new US Constitution ratified, slavery was not slated for abolishment, but the importation of slaves would be illegal after 10 years. ( this was a hollow deal as slaves continued to be imported under cover) 2. The Missouri Compromise of 1820 to keep the balance of slave and free states equal; 3. The Missouri Compromise of 1850, this also to keep the slave-free state balance, but added the Fugitive Slave Law; and 4. The Kansas-Nebraska Act allowing citizens to vote on the slave issue when a territory had yet to apply for statehood.

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Public trust. Politicians are voted into office. They are picked by us to represent our needs and wishes. If they do something to compromise our trust then we will no longer support them. We expect them to work for us, not us for them. They are a public servant.