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Because there was a.

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Q: Why was the plegde of allegiance?
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Related questions

When reciting the Plegde of Allegiance what action usually accompanies the recital?

Right hand over heart

What is the plegde of alligiance?

I Pledge of Allegiance To the Flag Of the United States Of America And to the Republic For Which It Stands One Nation, Under God, Indivisible With Liberty And Justice For All

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Your stewpid

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How do you put allegiance in a sentence?

Allegiance means loyalty toward someone or something. He owes the king his allegiance. We say the pledge of allegiance to our country every day.

Is the Christian Pledge of Allegiance plagiarized from the American Pledge of Allegiance?

Who claims authorship of the "Christian Pledge of Allegiance"? No

Could you please give the antonym of the word allegiance?

The antonym of allegiance is betrayal.

What are the release dates for Allegiance of Powers - 2012 Allegiance 1-9?

Allegiance of Powers - 2012 Allegiance 1-9 was released on: USA: 10 August 2013

What is an allegiance?

Loyalty or commitment to someone. Example: I am impressed with your Allegiance.

What is the adjecticve for allegiance?

An adjective for allegiance is steadfast. There are many more.

What is the name of the pledge of allegiance of Ireland?

Ireland does not have a pledge of allegiance.

What is the population of Allegiance Communications?

Allegiance Communications's population is 165.