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Because of the inclusion of "One Nation Under God" during the 1950s, the Pledge of Allegiance, our money, the official seal etc. are all in direct violation of the Constitution.

The ruling was made in 2002 so I fail to see how this has anything to do with Obama as the previous respondent suggested. The ruling has also since then been reversed.

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Q: Why was the Pledge Of Allegiance banned in some public schools?
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Do the children still recite the pledge of allegiance in America schools?

Not in the public schools of Oakland, CA!

Are there public schools that don't allow the Pledge of Allegiance?

I've seen this a lot. I've taught since 1986. I've taught in public schools in WV, FL, NC, and TN and a charter school in Florida. Each and every one of those started with the pledge of allegiance.

Do the Amish say pledge of allegiance?

The Amish don't say The Pledge Of Allegiance. However in a public school and Amish child would say it.

Is the pledge of allegiance illegal in public schools?

My wife and I are both public school teachers. And in the state of Michigan it not only isn't illegal, it is said every morning.The pledge of allegiance has not be made illegal in any public school in the US.However what has been made illegal is for the teacher,coach,principle,school board ect to require that every student must recite the Pledge...Due to the religious nature of the Pledge a student can decline to participate in reciting the pledge if it is against their religious beliefs or lack thereof and the student can not be punished for doing so..

When was the Pledge of Allegiance first established?

The Pledge of Allegiance was written in September of 1892 by Baptist minister Francis Bellamy. The first public recital of the Pledge was on October 12, 1892 to commemorate the 400 year anniversary of Columbus's voyage.

Are public school teachers in Colorado required to say the Pledge of Allegiance?

In 2003, Colorado passed a law requiring daily recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance by students and teachers. It was fought in court and amended to say that any person not wishing to participate in the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance shall be exempt from reciting it.

Does your child legally have to say the pledge?

I assume you are referring to the Pledge of Allegiance in public schools. The answer is no. It is federal law, under the First Amendment's free speech clause, that children may not be required to recite the Pledge. Children who don't want to do it, for whatever reason, can stand or sit respectfully while the others recite the Pledge. Schools are prohibited from forcing children to recite the pledge, and schools are prohibited from punishing those students for refusing to recite the pledge. However, any students who harass those who don't say the Pledge are subject to discipline or even expulsion.

Is the pledge of allegiance required in Illinois schools?

Illinois state law requires that "The Pledge of Allegiance shall be recited each school day by pupils in elementary and secondary educational institutions supported or maintained in whole or in part by public funds."The 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the statute did not violate the students' rights, so long as students were free not to participate in the recitation of the Pledge.

Bibles should be banned from public schools?

The Bible never should be banned from public schools! Everyone is allowed to read it and study it!

When was Lord of the Flies banned in public schools?

It was banned independent by many school districts over the years.

What changes has taken place in schools since the ban of prayer?

Public schools do not have morning prayers or even speak of Jesus. If any of the teachers do, they will be fired and there are severe penalties for mentioning God's name. Some schools are considering taking out the pledge of allegiance because it says, "One nation, under God" What ever happened to freedome of speach? Freedom of religion? None of that matters to people. It's the main reason why we came to America! Why must we praise a flag, instead of praising the Living God??? Right now, as you can see, not many kids are into church or the Bible, this has caused an affect on their attitudes. It says in the Bible, "Honor thy father and thy mother," not many kids live up to that. This is one of the affects since praying was banned.

What is the 'Pledge of Allegiance'?

The Pledge of Allegiance is an oath of loyalty and commitment to the United States of America. It is usually recited at the beginning of school days, public events, and government meetings. The pledge expresses patriotism and unity among citizens.