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In colonial times, America was weak whereas the French had already had hundreds of years to become one of the greatest countries in the world. America needed France for protection and a good kickstart in becoming it's own great nation, just like kids need parents.

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Q: Why was an alliance with the French important to Americans?
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What group of people did the french establish an alliance with?

With the Americans

How did the french alliance help the Americans?

they gave them things to trade with and the americans got jobs from them

What resulted in the french signing an alliance with the Americans?

The Battle of Saratoga

Why was an alliance with France important to Americans?

because the Americans didnt have a thought why they held back

Why was Alliance with France important to Americans?

because the Americans didnt have a thought why they held back

Why did the Americans want an alliance with the french?

The alliance widened the war for the British, making it impossible for them to concentrate solely on the American mainland.

What is the importance of the French alliance in the colonist's victory?

very important!

Why was the victory of sargatoga important to America?

The Battle of Saratogo is considered by some historians to be the most important battle of the American Revolution. Not only did the Americans foil the British plan of spliting the colonies, but it saved New England and convinced the French that the Americans had a chance of winning the war. The French offered the Americans a formal military alliance following the news of the victory at Saratoga.

Why Americans wanted an alliance with France?

They wanted to form an alliance with France because they knew the French were powerful and the Americans needed help to defeat the British. The Americans also had lack of weapons and with the French on their side they could have weapons and more soldiers. America at the time was weak, and needed some help. The French wanted to help America because of it's rebellion from Britain.

Why were the native Americans so important in clash between the French and british?

The Native Americans were so important in the clash between the French and British because the Native Americans helped the French in the war between the French and British.

Why were native Americans so important in the clash between the french and the british?

The Native Americans were so important in the clash between the French and British because the Native Americans helped the French in the war between the French and British.

Why didn't the Iroquois make an alliance with the french?

They expected the French to defeat the British in a war. The Native Americans also feared that the British wanted their land.