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Because the Chief Justice ruled that a man's property was sacred - in the full spirit of the Constitution as the Founding Fathers would have meant it.

So property included slaves.

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Q: Why was The Missouri Compromise ruled unconstutional?
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When did Missouri Compromise start?

The Missouri Compromise happened in the 1820s :)

What was the relationship between The Missouri Compromise and the courts decision in the dred Scott case?

The court ruled that slavery was protected by the constitution, so the Missouri Compromise (which banned slavery North of a certain parallel) was invalid.

What was the relationship between the Missouri Compromise and the court s decision in the Dred Scott case?

The court ruled that slavery was protected by the constitution, so the Missouri Compromise (which banned slavery North of a certain parallel) was invalid.

Henry clay's compromise became known as what?

The Missouri Compromise The Compromise of 1850 The Kansas-Nebraska Act.

How did the Dred Scott decision change the Missouri Compromise?

In the Dred Scott decision a slave was taken up north to a "free state," according to the Missouri Compromise, and then brought back down to a slave state. Dred Scott felt that by entering a free state should be free from slavery, but on the ruling the Dred Scott decision ruled that slaves are considered property and can be taken anywhere, therefore going against the Missouri Compromise. The Supreme Court ruled that the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional under the Fifth Amendment Takings Clause for the reasons stated above, and overturned the legislation.

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Three-Fifths Compromise, Missouri Compromise, Compromise of 1850, Emancipation Proclamation

How can you make a sentence with Missouri Compromise?

The Missouri Compromise was done in 1820. The Missouri Compromise decided North and South Power.

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What was the time period of the Missouri compromise?

The Missouri Compromise was passed in 1820.

What considedrations prompted the Missouri compromise and why did it fail?

why was the Missouri compromise written?

What compromise lead to the civil war?

the Missouri compromise, the 3/5 compromise, and the compromise of 1850 no it was thethe Missouri compromise, the 3/5 compromise, and the compromise of 1850

Were did the Missouri compromise happen?

missouri missouri