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Men believed that alcohol negatively affected their jobs

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Q: Why more men became part of the temperance movement in the US in the 1830s?
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Which was not a claim made by those in the temperance movement?

Alcohol production will lead to more immigration.

How did the abolitionist movement that arose in the 1830s differ from earlier antislavery efforts?

The later movement drew much more on the religious conviction that slavery was an unparalleled sin and needed to be destroyed immediately.

What was the goal of social reform in the 1830s?

The goal of social reform in the 1830s was to address the various societal issues and injustices of the time, such as poverty, inequality, and lack of education. Activists sought to bring about positive change through efforts like temperance reform, abolition of slavery, and improvements in the treatment of mentally ill individuals. Overall, the goal was to create a more just and equitable society.

Who became the leader of a more violent movement of the Civil Rights movement?

the answer is poo

Definition of greater democracy?

A movement for more democracy in American government in the 1830s. Led by President Andrew Jackson, this movement championed greater rights for the common man and was opposed to any signs of aristocracy in the nation.

Why did America produce so many reform and utopian movements?

An early temperance movement began during the American Revolution in advocating temperance rather than abstinence and taking positions on moral issues.

How successful was the temperance movement?

It could be eather way. yes and no. YES-the women and business companies used propaganda and moral suasion (attempting to persuade) to address the problem. When this happened the consumption of liquor extremely reduced for some time. NO- after the temperance movement was passed, people started getting angry about they cant be told what they can and cant do, so the drinking started again and liquor consumption increased again. NOTE_ the temperance movement was an effort to encourage moderation in the consumption of intoxicated liquor..but it wasn't a law yet..after the nation saw it worked they passed the law of the temperance movement and thats when men started "rebeling" and started drinking again.

How did southern opinion about the morality of slavery change during the 1830s?

During the 1830s, southern opinion about the morality of slavery became more entrenched as pro-slavery arguments were reinforced by religious, economic, and political justifications. Defenses of slavery as a positive good rooted in biblical interpretations and white supremacy became more widespread, leading to a hardening of attitudes among southerners who saw the institution of slavery as essential to their way of life.

When did the temperance movement happen?

In the United States, the temperance movement effectively ended when the 18th Amendment was ratified, which was followed by passage of the Volstead Act. These events took place in 1919, on January 16 and October 28 respectively, and the law banning distribution of alcohol went into effect on January 17, 1920. Prohibition, in the United States, was an utter failure, and was ended with a repeal of the Volstead Act on December 5, 1933.

Working in the abolitionist movement gave women what?

Working in the abolitionist movement gave women a sense of political aspirations. As a result, women became more concerned about the feminist movement.

How did America become more democratic in the 1820's and 1830's?

The US became more democratic in the 1820s and 1830s by abolishing the property requirement to vote. This then expanded the right to vote to any white, adult male.

More farmers chose to settle in the prairie in the 1830s because of the invention of what?
