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There are several theories that state the American Government is trying to kill people. Some believe that it is a form of population control. No matter what the theory, there is no proof that they are trying to kill anyone.

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Q: Why is the American Government trying to kill people?
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What makes a revolt against the government justifiable?

If the government is tyrannical. If they kill their own people or impose harsh laws with unfitting punishments.

What did Thomas Scott do to make Louis Riel kill him?

Louis Riel did not kill Thomas Scott. --------------------------------- Riel's government had Scott tried for defying the governments authority. Five of the seven members of the court, lead by Lieutenant A. Lapine, voted for the execution. Another government, from far away, representing other people, acted on their authority and traveled to the West and killed Riel. It was that government that gave us the narrative that Riel killed Scott. The reasons for Scotts execution, as for Riel's are many. Scott was violent and challenging the validity of the government selected by local people. He was also threatening life's and had already escaped and make it clear that should he be released or escape again he would kill many people, particularly Catholic people no doubt. Fear was part of the reason, and it was important that people respect the legitimate government of the people.

How did disagreements over reconstruction lead to conflict in government and the south?

The South believed that the colored rights were destroying there rights as white born American citizens, so the Colored people migrated to the north, for better opportunity because there farming failed from floods and whites destroying there crops and kill blacks.

What can't the US government do?

kill there citezens for no reason

Which type of government would most likely kill those who were deemed enemies of the government?

The answer is fascist

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They spread by people trying to kill each other.

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They spread by people trying to kill each other.

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because people are mean to it and should stop trying to kill them

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Legally, you can only kill cougars if they are trying to attack you.

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to kill them

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Not kill them, for starters.

What was Abraham Lincoln obstacles?

people trying to kill him

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Are you 5? People don't go to jail for other people trying to kill them. If someone tried to kill him, they would go to jail.

How can you protect the American people from ISIL?

They should stay from places many people are. Because ISIL is not trying to kill people they are just humiliating them. So you stay away like Las Vegas or DisneyLand.

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People are trying to stop cutting down trees, and trying to not kill the Asian elephant.

What was Abraham Lincoln's biggest obstacle?

people trying to kill him

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trying to kill people and playing with the faries