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Q: Why did the government take farmers land?
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Which of theses was a consequence for farmers during the dust bowl?

The government Took their land

what actions by the government constitutes a subsidy?

A payment to farmers for not cultivating land is an action by the government to constitute a subsidy.

Why did farmers demand regulation of the railroads?

The farmers demanded regulation of the railroads because the railroads were abusing government land grants and taking away land from the farmers. High rates were also being changed for transportation.

How did the Mexican government help farmers gain land of there own?

Mexican Government helped farmers gain land of their own by making a new constitution that promised ways to distribute land equally. The Government broke up the giant haciendas. A lot of the land was divided among small farmers or giving to a community farm owned by all the villagers together.

What were the causes of the rebellion?

The cause was that the government was taking away farmers land because they could not pay their dept. The rebellion scared the government and they stopped taking away farmers properties.

Is it the moral obligation on the part of the government to distributed land to the tenant farmers?

nev daddy

Is it a moral obligation on the part of the government to distributed land to tenant farmers?

nev daddy

What collective actions did farmers take to help their financial situation?

Farmers' holidays and intimidation of land buyers

Who benefits from Land clearing?

The property owner benefits from land clearing. The government does as well. Farmers can plant more crops when the land is cleared.

Why did so many farmers lose their land?

Many farmers lost their land due to factors such as economic downturns, rising debts, and land consolidation by larger agricultural corporations. Additionally, natural disasters, government policies, and changing market demands can also contribute to farmers losing their land.

How farming practices have change over the years in china?

a long time ago , the land belonged to the farmers themselves. each used his own plot of land to grow crops. now days the land belongs to Chinese government. the government provides manchinery to help farmers in their work

What sends many protestant English farmers to Ireland to take over land owned by catholic farmers?

The Plantations.