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The purpose of the Act of 1765 was to help pay for troops stationed in North America. Printed materials such as legal documents, magazines, playing cards, newspapers and other other types of paper used throughout the Colonies had to be paid in valid British currency

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Ronaldo Rodriguez

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Nasir Sipes

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2y ago

The purpose of the Act of 1765 was to help pay for troops stationed in North America. Printed materials such as legal documents, magazines, playing cards, newspapers and other other types of paper used throughout the Colonies had to be paid in valid British currency

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7y ago

The purpose of the Act of 1765 was to help pay for troops stationed in North America. Printed materials such as legal documents, magazines, playing cards, newspapers and other other types of paper used throughout the Colonies had to be paid in valid British currency

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Q: Why did parliaments pass the stamp act?
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