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Q: Why did congress support the building of a transcontinental railroad?
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What did the pacific railway of 1862 do?

it provided federal support for the building of the first transcontinental continental railroad and allowed the government to grant public land and issue bonds to fund construction of the railroad

What did the Pacific Act of 1862 do?

it provided federal support for the building of the first transcontinental continental railroad and allowed the government to grant public land and issue bonds to fund construction of the railroad

Why did the government support the construction of the Transcontinental railroad?

Troop movement

What did pacific railway act of 1862 do?

it provided federal support for the building of the first transcontinental continental railroad and allowed the government to grant public land and issue bonds to fund construction of the railroad

What were the pacific Railway Acts of 1862 and 1864?

it provided federal support for the building of the first transcontinental continental railroad and allowed the government to grant public land and issue bonds to fund construction of the railroad

What did the congress give to the the union pacific and central pacific companies?

The Congress granted land grants and financial incentives, such as subsidies and loans, to the Union Pacific and Central Pacific companies to support the construction of the First Transcontinental Railroad in the United States.

What were the problems that plagued the building of the Transcontinental Rail Road?

Labor, geography, climate were the main problems. Much of the railroad had to be built in inhospitable climates with little or no infrastructure to support the massive worker populations. This led to high mortality rates.

Who were the railroad republicans?

The railroad republicans were the Republican platform who specifically pledged not to extend slavery and called for enactment of free-homestead legislation, prompt establishment of a daily mail service, a transcontinental railroad and support of the protective tariff.

Douglas proposed this bill as a compromise so that he would get support from Southerners on which issue?

The construction of a transcontinental railroad that would start in Chicago, Illinois.

What led Roosevelt and congress to support building the great white fleet?

The desire to protect the interests of the United States in Asia

What led president Roosevelt and congress the support building the great White Fleet?

The desire to protect the interests of the United States in Asia

Which was included in the Republican Party platform in the election of 1860?

Protective tariffs were featured in the 1860 Republican Party platform. Other items included were free homesteads, and support for building a transcontinental railroad.