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He had to appease the South by allowing some possibility of new slave-states, so that they would feel co-operative towards Congress, and vote funds for the new coast-to-coast railroad, even though it would pass through Chicago, and not New Mexico, as they had been hoping.

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Q: Why did Stephen Douglas push for the kansas-nebraska act?
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Who was the author of the nebraska-kansas act?

Stephen Douglas

Who proposed Kansas Nebraska act?

Stephan A. Douglas proposed the Kansas Nebraska Act in 1854.

What Act was written by Stephen Douglas in 1854?

The Kansas-Nebraska Act

Who initiated the Kansas-Nebraska act?

Stephen A. Douglas

Who proposed the Kansas Nebraska Act-?

stephen douglas

Who interduced the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

Stephen Douglas

Who introduced a bill to Congress to organize the territories of Kansas and Nebraska?

(Stephen A. Douglas)

Who sponsored the bill of the Kanas-nebraska act?

Stephen Douglas

Who wrote the kansas-nebraske act of 1854?

Stephen Douglas

What is Douglas last name who started the bleeding kansas act?

That was Stephen Douglas, the 'Little Giant'.

Why did Stephen Douglas propose repealing the Missouri Compromise?

Douglas wanted to abandon the Missouri Compromise because he wanted to put in place his own Kansas- Nebraska Act. This act would expand railroads and allow territories to choose for themselves if they wanted to be free or slave states.

Did Stephen Douglas support the kansas-nebraska act?

Yes. He introduced it.