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They technically didn't attack the ships. What they did was impress the American sailors into the British Navy. This means that they captured American sailors and forced them to join the British Navy and fight the French (Napoleon).

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When France capitulated during the second World War, the British attacked the French fleet because there was a danger the French would hand over their fleet to the Germans, rather than to the British.

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Both sides wanted to keep U.S. shippers from supplying their enemy.

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Both sides wanted to keep U.S. shippers from supplying their enemy.

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Q: Why did British ships attack American ships in 1812?
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Why did the US declare war on Britain in the 1812?

The United States declared war on Britain in 1812 because the British were seizing American ships. Britain was trying to stop American from trading with France.

What was Britain doing to American ships and crews that lead to conflict with America in the war of 1812?

The British Royal Navy were stopping American ships and taking sailors to be on the British crews.

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Most American ships were prevented from getting involved in combat during the war of 1812 because the British successfully blockaded most American ports.

Exphfj hjky rklai 1812?

Impressment in the War of 1812 was the British coming on American ships and taking their soldiers and forcing them to come with them and work for them.

Why did the british attack the US in 1812?

The US invaded British North American, as Canada was known at the time.

What is war 1812 about?

The War of 1812 was a side effect of the Napoleonic Wars. The British were boarding American ships and "impressing" [i.e., kidnapping] American sailors to man their ships. The War started in July 1812 and ended with the Treaty of Ghent in December 1814.

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How could the british attack the us after the constitution was signed?

The British could choose to attack the United States after the Constitution was signed just the same way they did prior to it. The Constitution did, however, give America a more organized and legal way to respond to bullying and attacks by the British prior to the war of 1812. The preferred ways to attack the United States were these: Stop American ships and force sailors into the British Navy; ban American ships from certain ports; claim American territory as their own, when it was outside the 13 original states; build up their claims in Canada and the Great Lakes; pay pirates to attack American shipping (especially the slave trade).

What reasons for the war of 1812?

The English remained in western forts; American sailors were being pressed into service aboard British ships. The British ignored American protests for these illegal actions, to no avail.

What were the reason for the war of 1812?

The English remained in western forts; American sailors were being pressed into service aboard British ships. The British ignored American protests for these illegal actions, to no avail.

What occurred as a result of British attacks on American ships imprisonments of American sailors and the encouragement of native uprising?

It was called the War of 1812, named for the year it began.

Which was the most compelling cause of the war of 1812?

The three main causes of the War of 1812 were: 1. British impressment of American sailors. 2. British violations of American neutrality by seizing American merchant ships through their rigorous enforcement of their naval blockade of French-dominated Europe. 3. Alleged British conspiring with American Indian tribes.