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Q: Who was the fourth and fifth president?
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Who is the fourth and fifth president of Israel?

The forth president of Israel was Ephraim Katzir (1973-78) The fifth president of Israel was Yitzhak Navon (1978- 83)

What are the fourth and fifth prime numbers?

The fourth prime is 7 and the fifth is 11.

What is the standard form of fifth to the fourth power?

One fifth to the fourth power is 0.0016

What is three fourth of fourth fifth?


What word does not belong first second third fourth fifth?


Is one fifth bigger than one fourth?

No. One fourth is 25% and one fifth is only 20%.

Is one fourth or one fifth bigger?

one fourth

Who were the fourth and fifth persons to walk on the moon?

The fourth and fifth man to walk on the moon were Alan Bean and Alan Shepperd.

Where did they write the fifth amendment?

After the fourth.

What is the fifth estate?

the estate after fourth

What is 6 and four fifth subtract by 3 and one fourth?

6 and four fifth subtract by 3 and one fourth = 3

Was James Madison the President?

Yes, he was the fourth president of the United States.yes he was the 4th president of the USAYes, he was the fourth president of the United States.