

Who supported prohibition?

Updated: 9/13/2023
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13y ago

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Women and Christians. WCTU (Women's Christian Temperence Union)

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Q: Who supported prohibition?
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Was Alfred E Smith a supporter of prohibition?

No he opposed prohibition and supported the sales of alcohol.

Who supported prohibition who opposed it?

Prohibition was supported by conservatives who love to interfere in everybody's lives. People who apposed it were alcoholics, liberals , and other people who love freedom.

What were Franklin D Roosevelt's views on the Prohibition Movement of the 1920's?

He opposed Prohibition but his wife supported it.

What was one of the unforseen results of prohibition?

A revival of the ku klux klan, which strongly supported prohibition and its strict enforcement.

In the 1920 Americans were divided into wets and drys what did it mean to be a dry?

In the 1920s, "dry" referred to someone who opposed the consumption of alcohol and supported prohibition laws. Dries believed that alcohol was harmful to society and supported the ban on its production and sale. This term was used during the Prohibition era in the United States.

What does it mean to vote the straight prohibition ticket?

Voting for no other candidates but those on the Prohibition Party ticket or only for those who supported prohibition. The Prohibition Party called for the first approach whereas the Anti-Saloon League called for the latter approach.

Who supported prohibition and who opposed it?

Prohibition was supported by conservatives who love to interfere in everybody's lives. People who apposed it were alcoholics, liberals , and other people who love freedom.

The prohibition movement was most strongly supported by what Americans?

Women most strongly enforced prohibition due to excessive spending for liquor rather than for food.

What helped the second ku klux klan?

Attacks on state prohibition laws and later, attacks on National Prohibition helped create the second Ku Klux Klan. The Klan supported and enforced prohibition laws.

What helped create the Ku Klux Klan?

Attacks on state prohibition laws and later, attacks on National Prohibition helped create the second Ku Klux Klan. The Klan supported and enforced prohibition laws.

Why didd the wctu support the cause of womens suffrage?

They wanted more voters who supported prohibition.

What helped create the second ku klux klan?
