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Q: Who started theocracy?
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Related questions

What is the antonym for theocracy?

There is no antonym for theocracy.

What are some disadvantages of a theocracy?

Disatvantages to a Theocracy

Was the incan empire a theocracy or a bureaucracy?

A theocracy

Who is in charge in a theocracy?

In a theocracy, the people are ruled by God. Sometimes in a theocracy, God's laws are interpreted by priests.

What are basic traits of theocracy?

theocracy is civily ruled

Why was theocracy so significant?

Somehow this world we live in, started. If you believe that God created it. Then he also has the power to control it. If He is in control, then we must relate to that control. Theocracy is part of that relationship. A theocratic church is one that is run by divine guidance and not by the misguided concepts of man.

Why was the government of Egypt called a theocracy?

the theocracy runned by religous

Who is the leaders in theocracy?

A theocracy is a goverenment headed by religious authorities.

When was Theocracy - band - created?

Theocracy - band - was created in 2002.

When was American Theocracy created?

American Theocracy was created in 2006.

Which state is run by a church and that is independent from catholicism?


When religious leaders head a government it is called a?
