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The United States goverment.

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Q: Who owned the second national bank of the US?
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Related questions

Is the national bank and the second bank of the US the same?

The National Bank and the Second Bank of the United States are the same. The term national bank can refer to the Bank of North America as well as the First Bank of the United States.

What happened to the the second national bank of the US?

It went out of business.

A leading enemy of the Second National Bank of the US was?

Andrew Jackson

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Who owns the European central bank?

The same people who own the Federal Reserve and who owned the first national bank of America, The Second national bank of America, The Bank of England... The same people who has been responsible for almost every war on earth... The Rothschild A.K.A. the Illuminati who are satanist. No they are not Jewish but they pretend to be. They want us to hate everyone so while we are fighting each other they can own us all and laugh in the background. RISE UP FIGHT THE POWER! and God be with you. :)

What happened to the funds drawn out of the second national Bank of the US?

They were deposited in various state banks.

Is US Bank a regional or national bank?

US Bank is a national bank. US bank has branches in 25 different states. It is also the fifth largest bank in the US based on deposits, and the fourth largest in branches.

Who owned the Bank of the US?

The United States goverment.

Why was the creation of a national bank important to the US economy?

The national bank controlled the money supply

Why was the creation of a national bank to important to the us economy?

The national bank controlled the money supply

What was Jackson position on the second bank of the US?

Jackson greatly opposed the Second Bank of the US, and sought to get rid of it.

Why was the creation of a national bank so important the Us economy?

The national bank controlled the money supply