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The name "America" comes from the name of Amerigo Vespucci, the Italian navigator and cartographer who first created maps of the "New World".

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Q: Who named the country America?
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What country is the new world named after?

The New World is named after Amerigo Vespucci. Hence, North America and South America.

Why was the country called America and not Columbia?

the country was named America and not Columbia because later in the 16th century Amerigo Vespucci founded America

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Which country was named after the person who wrote about it and not the person who discovered it?

That would be north America or the USA as we call it. Actually it was the continent named after the person not the country.

Which one was named first the American continent or the country United States of America?

The continent was named first. The supercontinent of America first carried the name in 1507 (source link below). The country United States of America was first named in 1776 in the full title of the Declaration of Independence.

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United States of America!

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Colombia in South America

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Argentina - Argentum

Is it illegal to be named a state or country?

Nope. Unusual, but I know someone named America. not illegal but very uncommon.