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The French.

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Q: Who joined the patriots in the Revolutinary War after the Battle of Saratoga?
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Why the battle of saratoga is impotant?

because french joined the americans side

When did the french aid in the American revolution?

They provided covert war material from the outset, but openly joined the Patriot cause after the Battle of Saratoga.

Why was Saratoga the turning point battle of the Revolutionary War?

Because it was when the French joined the colonists

What was the French response to the American victory at the Battle of Saratoga?

they joined in the American Revolution, siding with America.

What effect did the battle of Saratoga have on the colonies?

Many historians feel that the Battle of Saratoga was a turning point in the war because it showed the French that the Patriots actually had a shot to win the war. The relationship with France changed our fate in the war completely.

Which resulted from the battles near saratoga new york?

the battle of saratoga took place in saratoga, new york. there were actually two battles that made up this one. The first one was the Battle on Freeman's Farm. The second battle was the Battle of Bemis Heights.

After the colonists victory in the Battle of France and Spain begin to support the patriot cause?

After the battle of Saratoga, France joined with America in the fight against Britain. Spain joined the fight (on the American colonists' side) afterwards, hoping to gain independence from British rule.

Which to countries helped the Americans after the battle of saratoga?

The French didn't like the British. After the Battle of Saratoga, the French thought that the colonists might actually have a chance at winning the war. They didn't want to be on the losing team.

Why do you think more Americans joined the patriots efforts after the battle of Trenton?

i honestly completely agree with the wiki user it gave people hope

What battle was the turning point in the war and helped convince the French to assist the US?

Saratoga was the pivotal battle. Franklin was able to use the victory to convince France to become America's ally. Later-traitor Benedict Arnold was one of the heroes of the battle, receiving a wound that he carried the rest of his life. A statue to an anonymous hero of Saratoga honors his actions in the battle.

What effect did the battle of saratoga have on the Americans?

The battle of Saratoga gave the Patriots foreign help.

Which nations joined the patriots cause?

because they were stupid.