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The United States has never had a prime minister. Instead, we have a president. Our first president was George Washington.

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Q: Who is the first prime ministerof America?
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Canada does not have a President, we have a Prime Minister. There are no specific age requirements to be Prime Ministerof Canada, although they must be at least 18 to be an elected representative (Member of Parliament).In the United States of America you have to be at least 35 yrs old to be President.

Who was the first PM of America?

America does not have, nor has ever had a Prime Minister as such. However, the person who is considered to be "The First Prime Minister" of The United States of America is Charles Thomson. He was thought so, because at the time most Americans were british and already use to the Imperial King-Prime Minister system.

Who was the 1st prime minister of America?

There hasn't been a 1st Prime Minister of America, as America doesn't have one. The first President of America was George Washington, he was in office from April 30, 1789 to March 4, 1797. The Prime Minister is used in a parliamentary system. The first usage of the term was in 1625 when Cardinal Richelieu was named to head the royal council as prime minister to France.

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Who is the first prime minister in America?

Who is the Prime Minister of America?

The only Prime Minister in North America is the Prime Minister of Canada whom is currently Stephen Harper. There is no Prime Minister for the entirety of North America. If Central America and the Carribean is counted as part of North America, there are other Prime Ministers in those countries as well. See related questions.

Why doesn't America have a prime minister?

Because America is a continent, the only continent with a Prime Minister is Australia.

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the name of the Nigeria ministerof culture and tourism are: miss FEDELIA. A NJEZE

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The continents west of the prime meridian are Europe, Africa, North America, and South America.

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North and South America are located west of the Prime Meridian.

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