Post 1947, the President is always the Commander-in-Chief of the Indian army
Commander In Chief of Continental Army (Commanding General)
There is no such person. The President is the Commander in Chief. George Washington served as the Commander in Chief of the Continental army before becoming President of the United States. All other Presidents, including Washington, served as Commander in Chief while in office.
George Washingtom
George Washington was a General of the Continental Army in the 18th century, the Continental Congress later elected George Washington as the Commander-In-Chief. Making him "General George Washington Commander-In-Chief of the Continental Army" he held this position through most of the American Revolution.
George Washington was the first , since he was the first President. Article II, Section Two, Clause One of the US Constitution empowers the President of the US as the Commander in Chief. (Washington was also the commander-in-chief of the Colonial Army )
The current Chief of Army Staff is General V K Singh , formerly the Commander of the Eastern Command.
the president
General Roy Bucher was the last commander in cheif of british indian army..
The current US President .
CommanderThe current US President is the Commander in Chief .
Gen Vijay Kumar Singh
Answer Now --> Barack ObamaThe commander-in-chief of all US forces is the current President of the United States.The phrase you're looking for is "Commander-in-Chief". According to the US Constitution, the Commander-in-Chief of the US military is the President of the United States.The current US President .
In the United States, our President, Barack Obama, is the Commander in Chief of the military forces.
The commander in chief is also the commander of the army.
The commander-in-chief of all the US Armed Services (including the Army) is the current President of the United States. The senior military officer in the U.S. Army is the Army Chief of Staff. However, the current force structure usually has the various Operational Commands (i.e. the actual military theater-of-operations commands, verses the logistical, administrative, or procurement sections) report to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff instead of the Army Chief of Staff.
The Commander and Chief of the Continental Army was General (later, President) George Washington.
continental army