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The full Senate serves as the jury in any impeachment trial.

Most impeachment proceedings have been conducted against federal court judges (below the Supreme Court), so the Senate streamlined the trial process to allow the majority of Senators to conduct the chamber's regular business while an "Impeachment Trial Committee" listens to testimony and acts as a panel of judges. At the end of the trial, the committee compiles a report which the full Senate reads before voting for conviction or acquittal.

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10y ago

As stated in the US Constitution, the Senate will serve as jury in all impeachment trials. This includes the impeachment of a President of the United States.

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10y ago

The US Senate serves as the jury in an impeachment trial. 2/3 must vote for conviction in order to convict.

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13y ago

Article I of the United States Constitution gives the United States Senate the duty to try impeachments.

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The full Senate.

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United State senate

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The US Senate of the legislative branch acts as a jury in an impeachment trial against the the President.

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Once a bill of impeachment is sent from the House of Representatives, the Senate sits in trial session as a jury on the charges with the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court in the Chair.

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us senate

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In the case of US presidents, The House impeaches, and the Senate tries the case.

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The Legislative Branch. The House of Representatives has the sole power of impeachment (like a grand jury indictment). If the House votes for impeachment, the Senate conducts a trial to determine if the judge should be removed from office.

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In the US, it is the Senate.

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Trial by jury of our peers.a fair trial

What does the senate do during impeachment process?

The US Senate acts as the jury and tries any impeachment cases. When the House of Representatives accuses an official of a crime, the US Senate decides whether or not the official is guilty.

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It is known as impeachment.