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Taxes go back to the dawn of civilisation, it might not be possible to find out who first imposed them. The first known, at least, was the ancient Egyptians, 3000-2800 BC.

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Q: Who imposed taxation?
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Can you give a sentence for the word Imposed?

The taxation imposed by the Current Government was disliked by all.

What was the colonist view of fair taxation?

The colonists did not want taxes imposed by the british parliament.

What is the nature and scope of business taxation?

The nature and scope of business taxation spreads across all the business sectors. Taxation in business is imposed so as business owners can get the privilege of doing business.

What did patriots think of taxation?

It was not the tax that bothered them that much as it was the taxation without representation in the British Parliament. The colonists had no say in their governance, so they thought the tax was arbitrarily imposed.

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To Oppose the taxation on tea imposed by The British

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The reason why Britain's American colonies were most angered by the taxes imposed on them by Britain was because e the colonist felt like they had no say in the taxation.

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Through slave trade and the heavy taxation imposed on the farmers.

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Because of the high level of taxation being imposed on them by the British Government and they felt aggrieved because they had no say in the matter. Their 'war cry' at the time was 'No taxation without representation'.

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The biggest issue in the legal rights of most school districts is the level of taxation imposed on the general public. The taxation issue is always in dispute in most school districts.

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The colonists boycotted British goods in response to England's direct taxation. This taxation would eventually lead to the American Revolution.

How do you use impose in a sentence?

The regulations do not impose an obligation to remove asbestos in all cases of discovery.The taxation imposed by the Current Government was disliked by all.

What was the italean colonial policy in eritrea that caused pezant rebelion in akele guzay in December 1894?

heavy taxation imposed on pezant land holdings