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Q: Which president started the Great Society social policy?
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What was President Lyndon Johnson social policy called?

The Great Society

What was the great society and who waS the president?

Lyndon Johnson was the President who started the Great Society programs. The Great Society was a set of domestic programs proposed or enacted in the United States on the initiative of President Lyndon B. Johnson. Two main goals of the Great Society social reforms were the elimination of poverty and racial injustice.

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Robert Pinker has written: 'Social work in an enterprise society' -- subject(s): Social policy, Social service 'The idea of welfare' -- subject(s): Social policy, Social service

How does social factors influence social policy?

Social factors have a huge impact on social policies. As the norms in society change and evolve so do the social policies.

Whcih president strted the great social society program?

LBJ had the Great Society program.

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I would like to know Whats the President Wife Or Policy. I have a Social Studies Fair project i am doing and I really need your help President. I am 5th grader and i will like to pass the Social studies fair project From: Britney Fournillier:) To: President OrachaBama

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Social policy determines the guidelines, laws, and programs that affect the well-being of youth, including education, healthcare, and social services. Public policy, on the other hand, refers to the decisions and actions taken by government officials to address issues facing society, which includes youth-related concerns. Together, social policy and public policy play a pivotal role in shaping the overall outcomes and opportunities available to youth in society.

The Great Society was a social plan developed by President:?

Lyndon Johnson

Which social policy was created to help poor and older Americans in the 1960s?

the great society

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The main goals of social policy are to promote social welfare, reduce inequality, and ensure that basic human needs are met. Social policy aims to address issues such as poverty, education, healthcare, and housing to create a more equitable and just society.

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James E. Post has written: 'Research in Corporate Social Performance and Policy: Corporate Social Policy' 'Business and society' -- subject(s): Social responsibility of business 'Contemporary business issues' -- subject(s): Social responsibility of business 'Research in Corporate Social Performance and Policy: A Research Annual' 'Research in Corporate Social Performance and Policy'

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