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The federal government does not give states loans with interest!

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Q: Which is NOT a way monetary aid is given to the states by the national government?
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What kind of powers given to the national government simply because the United states is a sovereign nation?

Inherent Powers are given to the national government simply because the United States is a sovereign nation.

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Then the states would have more power than the national government.

What is the purpose of the tenth amendment?

The purpose of the 10th amendment was to secure the rights of the states from a large national government. It says that any power not delegated (given) to the national government nor prohibited by it to the states (article 1 section 10) is given to the states or the people. This prohibited the federal government from gaining too much power, and giving all issues not given to the federal government to the states

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What is the different between Delegated reserved and concurrent powers?

The difference is that Delegated is when powers are given only to national government by the constitution. Reserved is when powers are given to only the states by the constitution, and Concurrent is when power are shared by states and national government according to the constitution.

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