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Q: Which group of people was most supportive of government regulation of the railroad industry?
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What group of people was most supportive of government regulations of the railroad industry?


What was the first industry to be regulated by the government?

In the United States, the first industry to be regulated by the government was the railroad industry. This was done through the Interstate Commerce Act of 1887.

Were US government grants of land to the railroad industry gifts?

Most if not all the generous land grants provided by the US government to the railroad industry were loans not gifts. By 1898, the US government was repaid $63 million in principal and $104 million in interest.

Which industry did Cornelius Vanderbilt control?

Cornelius Vanderbilt controlled the railroad industry.

Why were attempts at railroad regulation often unsuccesful?

Railroad regulation attempts were unsuccessful due to price fixing, bribery, and sweetheart deals

How did the US Federal government aid the railroad industry just prior to the US Civil War?

By the end of the 1850's railroad construction had almost tripled from the early part of the century. A government grant of 21 million acres of public lands provided a huge incentive for building more track. Without the government's aid, the railroad industry could not have grown so quickly.

What industry most affected by the Pullman Strike of 1894?

the Railroad industry

What industries were most affected by the transcontinental railroad?

The Railroad, Lumber, and mining industry boomed because of the railroad industry

Why were attempts at railroad regulation often?

the thing

Which captain of industry is known for making his money in the railroad industry?

The captain of industry known for making his money in the railroad industry is Cornelius Vanderbilt.

What industry did Cornelius Vanderbilt?

The Railroad Industry

Why were attempts at railroad regulation often unsuccessfull?

the thing