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Democracy came from the greek word "demos"means people and "kratos"means power.
(power of the people)

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Q: Which form of government is ruled by citizens?
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What form of government ruled all citizens without representation in Colonial America?

Britain / England ruled all citizens without representation in Colonial America. The British had (have still) a monarchy. With the American Revolution, citizens fought for Independence from Britain, in part to end having no representation. The form of government that the Articles of Confederation established, and the US Constitution further defined and clarified, was a Republic form of government.

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Many cities in the United States allow all of their citizens to vote on laws. APEX

Which Roman Empire died in 44 BC?

There was no Roman emperor in 44 BC. Rome was ruled by the republican form of government at that time.There was no Roman emperor in 44 BC. Rome was ruled by the republican form of government at that time.There was no Roman emperor in 44 BC. Rome was ruled by the republican form of government at that time.There was no Roman emperor in 44 BC. Rome was ruled by the republican form of government at that time.There was no Roman emperor in 44 BC. Rome was ruled by the republican form of government at that time.There was no Roman emperor in 44 BC. Rome was ruled by the republican form of government at that time.There was no Roman emperor in 44 BC. Rome was ruled by the republican form of government at that time.There was no Roman emperor in 44 BC. Rome was ruled by the republican form of government at that time.There was no Roman emperor in 44 BC. Rome was ruled by the republican form of government at that time.

What are some oligarchy facts?

the government discouraged foreign visitors, banned travel abroad for any reason but military ones, frowned upon citizens who studies arts and literature, and two kings headed a council of elders.

What do you call a government ruled by few in which citizens play a little or no role at all?

"Government by the few" is known as oligarchy.

What form of government is ruled by the few?


What for of government allow citizens to rule and elect their citizens?

If you meant 'what form' - it's a democratic government.

A democracy is a form of government with a king or queen as ruler?

A monarchy is a form of government ruled by a king or queen. A democracy is a form of government in which the citizens participate equally in proposal, development and creation of laws. A democracy with a monarch (king or queen) as head of state is called a "Constitutional Monarchy"

What makes a republic different from a democracy-?

Citizens are expected to participate more actively in a democracy. in a republic, citizens do not participate as directly.

What form of government means ruled by few?

An Oligarchy

What are the 3 basic government structures?

Autocracy (ruled by one individual), Democracy (ruled by the people or citizens), and Oligarchy, (ruled by a small segment of society i.e based on wealth).