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Martha Washington, as the White House hadn't yet been built when George was in office.

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Martha Washington was first lady before the White House was built.

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Q: Which first lady never lived in the white house?
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What presidents did not live in the White House?

Only George Washington, who lived in New York City and then in Philadelphia, which were the nation's first capitals. He never lived in the White House. John Adams was the first to live in the White House. He moved there in November, 1800 soon after the Capital moved to Washington.

Who is the only president who never lived in Washington DC?

President George Washington never lived in the White House. John and Abigail Adams were the first to move into the White House before construction was finished. They lived there for only a few months before Thomas Jefferson was sworn into office.

Where did George Washington Live after he wasn't in the White House any longer?

George Washington never lived in the White House, as it had not yet been built when he was President. After his term in office, he returned to his home at Mount Vernon, VA.

Did George Washington live in Washington DC?

Washington never lived in Washington DC because it didn't exist. The city of Washington DC was started/built after he became president and John Adams was the first president to live in the White House. When he moved in it wasn't finished and hung the laundry in the East Room. The principle residence of Washington was Mt. Vernon, but as president he was given a house in New York and one in Philadelphia for his second term.

Who was the first mother to see her son sworn in as president?

James Garfield was the first to have his mother present at his inauguration. She lived in the White House with him.

Related questions

Which president took the oath of office and never lived in the White House?

George Washington is the only president never to have lived in the White House. He conducted his presidency from the President's House in Philadelphia, which was the capital of the United States during Washington's presidency. Washington oversaw the construction of the White House, but John Adams was the first president to live in it.

Which presidents do not live in White House?

Washington was the only president who never lived in the White House.

What presidents did not live in the White House?

Only George Washington, who lived in New York City and then in Philadelphia, which were the nation's first capitals. He never lived in the White House. John Adams was the first to live in the White House. He moved there in November, 1800 soon after the Capital moved to Washington.

He was the first president to take the oath of office in 1789 and the only president who never lived in the White House?

George Washington was elected and took the oath of office in 1789. Although President Washington was instrumental in picking the site of the new White House, he never lived there. The new Executive Mansion was completed in 1800 and the first resident of the White House was John Adams.

Did George Washington grow hemp at the White House?

No - George Washington never lived in the White House.

Who was the the only US President who never lived in the White House?

Construction began when the first cornerstone was laid in October of 1792. Although President George Washington oversaw the construction of the house, he never lived in it. It was not until 1800, when the White House was nearly completed, that its first residents, President John Adams and his wife, Abigail,moved in.

Which pres never lived in the White House?

George Washington. Because he was the first president and so the white house wasn't invented yet That is why today we name our capitol after him ( Washington D.C)

Witch president that never lived in the white house?

George Washington

Who was the first US President to bow in the White House?

The first U.S. President to bow in the White House was John Adams who continued George Washington's tradition of greeting guests with a bow instead of a handshake. George Washington was the first President to greet people with a bow, but since he never lived in the White House, he was not the first President to do so in the White House.

What president was unanimously elected and never lived in the White House?

George Washington.

Did Benjamin Harris decorate the first Christmas tree in the White House?

No, you daft idiot. Benjamin Harris never lived in the white house. That guy was Benjamin Harrison. Where did you go to school? Internet U?

If mr brown lived in the brown house mrs pink lived in the White House and dr black lived in the black house who lived in the White House and who lived in the green house?

The president lived in the white house and plants lived in the green house