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During the 1780's, America was in the middle of the Critical Period, the time right after the Revolutionary War, when the future of America was fragile. The people of the country wanted a government that would help the colonies sort out their troubles, both foreign and domestic. The Critical Period ended with the inauguration of George Washington.

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Q: Which developments during the 1780s produced the strongest calls for a new national constitution and government?
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What developments during the 1780s produced the strongest calls for a new national constitution and government?

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The people were upset with the economic chaos in the nation. They did not enjoy having to pay for things they had not voting power on.

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The purpose of the constitution was to link the states into a stronger national or federal government.

Which development during the 1780s produced the strongest calls for a new national constitution and government?

The American Revolution cost the federal government a lot of money, but they had no way to pay those bills. Therefore, the new constitution allowed the federal government to collect taxes to pay those debts. Economic chaos in the nation in plato

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