There are different kinds of generals-- brigadier generals, major general, etc, and there are regular army and home guard, state militia appointments. That said,
Presidents Washington, W. H. Harrison, Jackson,Taylor, Pierce, Andrew Johnson, Grant, Hayes, Garfield, Arthur, B..Harrison and Eisenhower all had the right to be called general at some time before they were President.
George Washington, Andrew Jackson, William Henry Harrison, Zachary Taylor, Franklin Pierce, Ulysses Grant, Rutherford B. Hayes, James Garfield, Benjamin Harrison, and Dwight D. Eisenhower were all some kind of general and commanded troops in combat. Andrew Johnson and Chester A. Arthur held the rank of general but were not in command of combat units. Taylor, Grant and Eisenhower were career soldiers; the others only served in war time.
Additionally, both Grant and Eisenhower, were given a wide responsibility to win the US Civil War and the war in Europe during WW 2. Also, both Grant and Eisenhower were Republicans.
The main Presidential and Congressional elections are held in November. Primary elections and caucuses are held in prior months.
Three Presidents were mayors at some time prior to becoming President.They were: Calvin Coolidge (Northampton, Mass.), Grover Cleveland (Buffalo, N.Y.) and Andrew Johnson(Greeneville, Tenn.).
Five of the eight seated justices (there is currently one vacancy on the bench) were nominated by Republican Presidents and served in government during Republican administrations prior to appointment. It is probably reasonable to infer all five are Republicans.
John Adams was the second president of the United States. Adams took office on March 4, 1797 and served 4 years as president. Prior to this term, he served as Vice President of the United States.
The 12th amendment to the Constitution provides for the president and vice-president to be elected in separate ballots. Prior to this amendment the person who finished second in the balloting for president was elected vice-president.
None in the United States military. Fleet Admiral Leahy was the first in December of 1944. He served as Chief of Staff to presidents Franklin Roosevelt and Truman. Not true. US Army Generals Grant, Sherman and Sheridan were all promoted to 5 star ranks as General of the Army prior to WWII.
Several presidents were cabinet members before they were president. Thomas Jefferson was the first. Others were Madison, Monroe, Quincy Adams, Van Buren, and Buchanan. All served as Secretary of State .
The main Presidential and Congressional elections are held in November. Primary elections and caucuses are held in prior months.
All Presidents since Franklin Roosevelt, with the exception of Nixon, have attended a worship service prior to the Inaugural Service.
nelson mandela
The Reichstags-building
There were several British Generals in North America prior to independence.
The main Presidential and Congressional elections are held in November. Primary elections and caucuses are held in prior months.
Before becoming the 19th President of the US, William Howard Taft had served as Theodore Roosevelt's Secretary of War. Prior to that, he had been a federal judge, Solicitor General, and Governor-General of the Philippines. He never served as a state governor, congressman, US senator, or vice-president, as other Presidents had.
A worship service. -Aimz. =]