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It was meant to be a sensible, orderly system of local voting on the slavery issue.

It turned out the opposite - terrorists from both sides crossing into the state to intimidate voters and cause chaos by declaring all results to be rigged.

People talked about 'Bleeding Kansas'. They were looking at a miniature version of the upcoming civil war.

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Q: Where was popular sovereignty used with disastrious results?
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How are popular sovereignty and limited government related?

Popular Sovereignty and Limited Government are related because they are part of the six basic principles of the Constitution. Popular sovereignty in the United States was one part of the limited government system used before the Civil War.

What are the remaining basic principles upon which the constitution is built?

There were six basic principles that the constitution was built on. Popular sovereignty, limited government, checks and balances, separation of powers, judicial review, and federalism were the principles used.

Characteristics of sovereignty?

Sovereignty is the highest and absolute power in formulating and implementing the law. Sovereignty can be divided into six characterisics wich are:- 1) absolute 2) indivisibility 3) Inalienability 4) permanent power 5) Exclusiveness 6) All comprehensiveness.

Who was the first president to elected when the radio was used to give results?

Calvin Coolage was the first president to be elected when the radio was used to give the results.

What principle is reflected in the quotation from the Japanese Constitution?

Popular Sovereignty: The government gets its authority from the people and reflects their will. What does it say in the U.S Constitution? it says The preamble says, "We the people of the United States of America do ordain and establish this Constitution..." which indicates that government power comes from the people. In the Japanese Constitution it begins by saying that the government's comes from the people and shall be used by them for their own benefit.

Related questions

When was popular sovereignty?

Popular sovereignty was used before the Civil War to determine if the state wanted slavery or not. Nebraska and Kansas voted on these issues.

How are popular sovereignty and government related?

Popular Sovereignty and Limited Government are related because they are part of the six basic principles of the Constitution. Popular sovereignty in the United States was one part of the limited government system used before the Civil War.

How are popular sovereignty and limited government related?

Popular Sovereignty and Limited Government are related because they are part of the six basic principles of the Constitution. Popular sovereignty in the United States was one part of the limited government system used before the Civil War.

What term means to vote for or against slavery in a territory?

Popular sovereignty is the term that means people could determine, through voting themselves, where to allow slavery in a territory. Another term used is sovereignty of the people.

How are popular and limited government related?

Popular Sovereignty and Limited Government are related because they are part of the six basic principles of the Constitution. Popular sovereignty in the United States was one part of the limited government system used before the Civil War.

Do you capitalize Popular Sovereignty?

No, "popular sovereignty" is not capitalized unless it is used at the beginning of a sentence or in a title. It refers to the principle that political power resides with the people.

What is the Popular sovereignty refers to the?

The term "popular sovereignty" refers to the fact that it was believed that people provided the government power. This idea was used in Kansas, as it was just forming before the Civil War, to determine if slavery should be legal.

How was popular sovereignty used to admit states?

It was meant to allow the people of each new state to vote whether it should be a slave-state or free soil. But it only happened once, with Kansas, where cross-border terrorists intimidated the voters and declared the results to be rigged.

What are the remaining basic principles upon which the constitution is built?

There were six basic principles that the constitution was built on. Popular sovereignty, limited government, checks and balances, separation of powers, judicial review, and federalism were the principles used.

What do mean by real sovereignty?

sovereignty is the power of state. where the persons are communicate with this power and the power is used properly that is the actual sovereignty.

Characteristics of sovereignty?

Sovereignty is the highest and absolute power in formulating and implementing the law. Sovereignty can be divided into six characterisics wich are:- 1) absolute 2) indivisibility 3) Inalienability 4) permanent power 5) Exclusiveness 6) All comprehensiveness.

What role did Thomas Jefferson play in the development of democracy in the US?

he wrote the declaration of independence