On June 30, 1809 a joint British-Spanish fleet captured Martinique and Santo Domingo. From July to October, a British fleet attempted to conquer Antwerp, but failed.
Embargo Act of 1807, the Non-Intercourse Act of 1809, and Macon's Bills
James Madison was the president in 1814 when this event occurred. The British did not exactly capture the city. It was a hit-and-run attack. They left after torching some of the key government buildings and focused on Fort McHenry and the harbor of Baltimore which had much greater strategic importance.
A national holiday (President's Day). Perhaps you meant, When was/is Abraham Lincoln's birthday, February 12 (1809).
Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809
No, nowhere in the world.
It was 1805...Trafalgar.
British Encyclopaedia was created in 1809.
French Laurence died in 1809.
why is french join with side of indian because they fight for british engishman british hurt indian badly if you because years by when they want to tell enigshman what they say about dispointed what you did because of you so much every day since 1809 native american together with french people why you ask something ok
France has controlled French Guiana since the 17th century, though it came under Portuguese rule in 1809, with the victory of the Portuguese-British naval squardon. The territory was handed back to the French with the Treaty of Paris in 1814.
John Bell - British politician - was born in 1809.
French occupation of Santo Domingo ended in 1809.
Madame Grelaud's French School was created in 1809.
Robert Anstruther - British Army officer - died on 1809-01-14.
John Moore - British Army officer - died on 1809-01-16.
eitherdix-huit cent neuformille huit cent neuf
Usman Dan Fodio founded the Sokoto Caliphate as in 1809 during the Fulani War. The Sokoto Caliphate was the last independent Nigerian State before the British, French and Germans dismembered it in 1903.