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He studied it in his house where he lived in South Africa.

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Henri Rousseau was born in Laval, France

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He lived in Genveva , but then France

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Q: Where did Jean-Jacques Rousseau live?
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How many years did Rousseau live?

Rousseau lived for 66 years from 1712 to 1778.

What country did Henri Rousseau live in?

In France.

Where did Henri Rousseau live most his life?

he live in a hotal in france

Did Henri Rousseau sign his paintings Henri Rousseau or Henri Julien Rousseau?

He signed them Henri Rousseau.

When did Henri roussea live?

You probably mean Henri Rousseau. He was born in 1844 and died in 1910.

The philosophe considered the prophet of romanticism?

Jean-Jacques Rousseau.

Who were jean Rousseau's parents?

His mother was Suzanne Bernard Rousseau, his father Isaac Rousseau.

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Janet Rousseau's birth name is Janet Rousseau.

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Click link below and look for the info you want!

Who were Jean Jacques Rousseau's parents?

His mother was Suzanne Bernard Rousseau, his father Isaac Rousseau.

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when Henri Rousseau was married

How did Rousseau die?

Rousseau died from a hemorrhage at the age of 66.