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November 30th 1993, by signed into law by President Bill Clinton.

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Tomasa Okuneva

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Q: When was the bill passed?
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In what year was the Bill of Rights passed?

the bill of rights was passed on December 15, 1791

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I want to know what happens to a bill that is passed by the Senate?

What happens to a bill is passed by the senate?

I want to know what happens to a bill that is passed by the Senate?

What does veto a bill mean?

Only the president may veto a bill and if he does it is not passed, however if the bill can get 2/3 of congress to vote yes to the bill then it may be passed. Usually though if a bill is vetoed it is not passed.

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the bill of rights was passed to prevent an all- powerful federal government.

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If a bill is passed by H.O.R regarding states rights, then the same bill should be passed by senate and mustly be approved by the concerned senator. If not approved, it can' be passed as law. As such a bill passed by the Senate must be passed by H.o.R.

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Yes. The bill was passed and signed into law by President Obama. However many of the provisions of the bill will not be implemented for some time.

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I was told by the chairman that the bill was passed by the legislature.