well, i dont really know. The first cities appeared along the east of the u.s.
^No you idiot.
In the River Valleys of Mesopotamia about 5 - 6 thousand years ago. :) good luck
The first cities emerged in northern Africa and The Middle East. These cities formed because of the rise of agriculture. Agriculture made it so humans did not have to migrate, having a sedentary life style with more food led to larger villages which eventually led to cities.
Gerald Ford, the 38th President of the United States, was the first president to appear on Saturday Night Live. Ford served as president from 1974 to 1977.
Franklin D. Roosevelt was the first president to appear on television. It happened in April of 1939 when he spoke at the opening ceremonies of the World's Fair. It was a very limited experimental broadcast. The first president to appear on national television to give an address from the White House was Harry S. Truman in 1947.
Sargon was able to develop a military style that allowed him to conquer neighboring cities. He controlled much of the Mesopotamian area. He built roads and new cities. He was a good administrator and placed someone close to him in each of the captured cities. His daughter, Enheduanna, was a great writer, the first author to be known by name.
The first Jefferson nickels were released in 1938.
Hi,my name is Iroda Juraeva,and my answer is four cities appear on the map,Kish ,Uruk ,Ur ,Lagesh.
The first cities appeared in ancient Mesopotamia, in the regions of present-day Iraq and Syria. These early city-states were formed around 3500 BC in places like Uruk and Ur, and marked the beginning of urban civilization.
The first cities in the world developed in Mesopotamia.
What year did the key first appear?
The first cities in the world developed in Mesopotamia.
The note FIRST appeared for sale in stores in 1977 in four major US cities, including Los Angeles. The product was re-introduced in 1980.
Pascal's tiangle first appear in the year 1653.
Freckles are inherited. They first appear in childhood and if you are going to have them, they usually all appear by your 21st birthday.
Norwich and PlymouthI think...
The first comedy to appear in the contents of the First Folio in 1623 was The Tempest.
The use of pack animals (i.e. llamas)
Cities of Liverpool and Manchester were the first to be connected with the railroad in Britain.