Illnesses such as food poisoning, typhoid and, particularly, cholera were the primary causes of death for travelers on the Oregon Trail. Although popular legend would have us believe that many pioneers were killed in conflicts with Native Americans, relatively few people actually died this way.
revolutionary activity in eastern europe along with strikes across the united states
King Ferdinand was an Austrian ruler during the turn of the 20th century who was assassinated. His death was the main cause of World War 1.
People migrate to countries for many reasons. A few of the main reasons people migrate is: -Because of War -Because of Friends or Family -They may have been offered a job -Because they feel like a change
(Brunt originally meant the main force of something.)"The clerical department will face the brunt of the employee layoffs.""The cities along the coast bore the brunt of the Viking attacks."
infectious and vector diseases and natural causes.
Road kill
My Great Dane is about three years old. Some of the main causes of death for these gentle giants are mostly bloat because of their size.
Main causes of death in an MEDC · Old Age · Car and Road Accidents · Suicide · Natural Causes · Heart, Lung and Liver Disease (due to eating unhealthily, smoking or drinking)
Complications such as bacterial infection of the open skin lesions, pneumonia, or bone infections are the major causes of death from smallpox.
War. Cancers. Cardiovascular Diseases. Respiratory Failure.
Crime and Violence Diabetes Cancer Heart Disease Natural Causes
The trail of Tears....murder.....a lot of death. And then some ham, corn, quail, and alcohol.
The main causes of anorexia include the media's constant reminders to girls that attractiveness means being super thing, along with stress in a woman's life and low self esteem.