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By most historical accounts, the administration of Warren G. Harding was very corrupt, and marred by scandals. It should also be noted that Harding was not in office long enough to have many major accomplishments (he died suddenly in August 1923, and did not even complete his first term in office). He did achieve a few things, however. He embraced the new technology of radio, installing a radio set in his office at the White House in early 1922, and becoming the first president to be heard on the air when he gave several radio talks. He also convened several radio conferences to decide how much government involvement there should be in the rapidly growing field of broadcasting.

As a loyal member of the Republican Party, he went along with whatever congressional Republicans wanted, signing bills to cut taxes, impose tariffs, and limit Immigration. He was also credited with returning the economy to prosperity, after an economic downturn in 1920-1921. But his detractors noted that he rarely took a strong stand on the major issues of the day, and while he was likeable, he was not a strong leader and he lacked a basic governing philosophy. That, in addition to the various scandals, may be why he is not remembered for any major achievements while he was president.

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