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Ashby, Bailey, Ballentine, Bochet, Bonneau, Bowen, Bulloch, Cahusac, Cain, Chisolm, Clements, Couturier, Cray, Cutler, Deveaux, Dubose, Goodwin, Gregory, Greenland, Huger, Hutson, Hyrne, King, Kirk, Lepear, Macbeth, Manieson, Maine, McDuffie, Mitchell, Moore, Palmer, Peyre, Pierce, Read, Rothmahler, Scott, Screven, Seabrook, Singleton, Snowden, St. Julien, Swight, Tew, Warning, Whaley, Whitehouse, Yeardon. Other surnames found in the Cordes tree are: Allen, Allston, Banbury, Barker, Barksdale, Bee, Bennett, Benoist, Bratton, Broome, Broun, Caldwell, Ceiland, Chambers, Coker, Collings, Cripps, Dawson, Donom, Doughty, Dunkin, Dwight, Elliott, Evance, Fitzsimons, Ford, Foster, Fryer, Glover, Golightly, Gourdin, Harleston, Hasell, Howard, Keith, Kinloch, Laurens, Lee, Leigh, London, Lord, Lucas, Manigault, Maybank, Mazyck, McGrigor, Means, Middleton, Motte, Murphy, Pinckney, Pringle, Prioleau, Proctor, Pyatt, Richebourg, Roberts, Roche, Rutledge, Shackelford, Sinkler, Smith, Spencer, Steele, Stevens, Stoney, Travours, Waites, Warley, Weston, White, Wilson, Yerger.

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