Ashby, Bailey, Ballentine, Bochet, Bonneau, Bowen, Bulloch, Cahusac, Cain, Chisolm, Clements, Couturier, Cray, Cutler, Deveaux, Dubose, Goodwin, Gregory, Greenland, Huger, Hutson, Hyrne, King, Kirk, Lepear, Macbeth, Manieson, Maine, McDuffie, Mitchell, Moore, Palmer, Peyre, Pierce, Read, Rothmahler, Scott, Screven, Seabrook, Singleton, Snowden, St. Julien, Swight, Tew, Warning, Whaley, Whitehouse, Yeardon. Other surnames found in the Cordes tree are: Allen, Allston, Banbury, Barker, Barksdale, Bee, Bennett, Benoist, Bratton, Broome, Broun, Caldwell, Ceiland, Chambers, Coker, Collings, Cripps, Dawson, Donom, Doughty, Dunkin, Dwight, Elliott, Evance, Fitzsimons, Ford, Foster, Fryer, Glover, Golightly, Gourdin, Harleston, Hasell, Howard, Keith, Kinloch, Laurens, Lee, Leigh, London, Lord, Lucas, Manigault, Maybank, Mazyck, McGrigor, Means, Middleton, Motte, Murphy, Pinckney, Pringle, Prioleau, Proctor, Pyatt, Richebourg, Roberts, Roche, Rutledge, Shackelford, Sinkler, Smith, Spencer, Steele, Stevens, Stoney, Travours, Waites, Warley, Weston, White, Wilson, Yerger.
Francis Marion was born in South Carolina, and participated in the American Revolutionary War as a military officer. His nickname was 'The Swamp Fox.'
Mary Downing Hahn has two brothers named Walter and Rodger. She also has a sister named Valerie (Val).
Yes, George Washington had siblings. He had five siblings: three brothers named Samuel, John Augustine, and Charles, and two sisters named Betty and Mildred. George Washington was the eldest of the six children in the Washington family.
Captain Jones was the fourth child of eight. He had an older brother named William; two older sisters; two younger siblings that died in infancy; and two other younger sisters named Mary and Ann.
Condoleezza Rice has one sibling, a younger brother named John Rice Jr. He is a professor of management and organizational behavior.
St. Francis of Assisi had at least two siblings: a sister named Clare and a brother named Angelo.
Saint Francis of Assisi had several siblings, including at least three sisters named Rufino, Bernardo, and Jacopa.
Francis Marion was born in South Carolina, and participated in the American Revolutionary War as a military officer. His nickname was 'The Swamp Fox.'
Francis Crick had one sibling, a younger brother named Anthony.
The population of Marions is 190.
Francis had six siblings but their names are not recorded.
how many siblings did St Francis Xavier have
The area of Marions is 16.32 square kilometers.
Francis Drake had 11 siblings.
Francis Drake was the eldest of 12, so he had 11 siblings, all brothers.
Yes, he had a brother named Anthony Bacon.
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