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They wanted to study their own religious ideas.

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Q: What was true about many American Christmas during the second great awakening?
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How did the American social reform movement evolve out of the Second Great Awakening?

You have to do this for APUSH too!? haha

What impacts did the Second Great Awakening have on American Society?

The Second Great Awakening had a profound effect on American society in the early 19th century. It was a religious revival that spread throughout the country and it had far-reaching consequences that impacted various aspects of society. Below are some of the impacts that it had: It led to the growth of many new denominations such as the Baptists Methodists and Presbyterians. It sparked a period of religious fervor as people sought to convert others to their faith. It allowed for the spread of religious ideas such as the belief in a personal relationship with God. It encouraged people to become involved in social reform such as the abolition of slavery. It helped to shape the values of the American people as many of the ideas espoused during the Second Great Awakening have been incorporated into the American psyche.The Second Great Awakening had a significant impact on American society and its effects are still felt today. Its legacy can be seen in the religious landscape of the United States as well as in the values that many Americans hold dear.

What does sober second thought mean?

an awakening

Which happend first second and third lexington and concord the great awakening the second continental congress?

great awakening was first lexington and concord was second snd continental congress was last

How did the Second Great Awakening help launch the Reform Era?

the second great awakening affected the launch of the reform era..... beause Tomas Jefferson signed the treaty of transcendentalism

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What was true about many American christians during the second awakening?

They wanted to develop their own religious ideas, studying the Bible themselves.

What was true about American Christians during the second great awakening?

They wanted to develop their own religious ideas, studying the Bible themselves.

Where did the second great awakening?

it was started in America during the 1800s

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What message was stressed by the preachers during the Second Great Awakening?

all of these -APEX

What new religions arose during the second great awakening?

Mormons, Seventh Day Adventist, and Christadelphians are the new religions that arose during the Second Great Awakening. Another religion that arose was the Church of Christ.

When was the second great awakening?

The Second Great Awakening happened during the early 19th century in the United States and was a Protestant revival movement that expected the Second Coming of Christ. According to the Millerites, this was to happen in 1844.

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How did the American social reform movement evolve out of the Second Great Awakening?

You have to do this for APUSH too!? haha

What was true many American Christians during the second great awakening?

They wanted to develop their own religious ideas, studying the Bible themselves.

What were key aspects of Christian evangelism during the Second Great Awakening.?

The Second Great Awakening expressed Arminian theology, by which every person could be saved through revivals.

What was true about many American Christians during the Second Great Awakening?

They wanted to develop their own religious ideas, studying the Bible themselves.