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The British agreed to vacate the six western forts by June 1796 (which was done), and to compensate American ship owners (the British paid $10,345,200 by 1802). In return, the United States gave most favored nation trading status to Britain, and acquiesced in British anti-French maritime policies. The United States guaranteed the payment of private prewar debts owed by Americans to British merchants that could not be collected in U.S. courts (the U.S. paid £600,000 in 1802). Two joint boundary commissions were set up to establish correctly the boundary line in the northeast (it agreed on the Saint Croix River) and in the northwest (this one never met). Jay, a strong opponent of slavery, dropped the issue of compensation for slaves, which angered Southern slaveowners. Jay was unsuccessful in negotiating an end to the impressment of American sailors into the Royal Navy, which later became one of the key issues that led to the War of 1812.

Also Native Indians born in Canada are therefore entitled to enter the United States for the purpose of employment, study, retirement, investing, and/or Immigration".

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Q: What was the outcome of Jay's Treaty?
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Why was France upset about jays treaty?

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Why was the jay treaty called jay treaty?

its called jays treaty cause it was jay himself who wrote the treaty.

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the hunters of corse!! at first the scrub jays wanted a treaty so they woud not get shot building nest but the hunters didn care one ayota! so they called a meeting with blues and reds and even the mexican jays. together they form a treaty of no more shooting jays. ahrgg the hunters were real mad at that treaty for sure. jays 100 hunters zero!!lol

Why did jays treaty cause controversy?

It was thought to be unconstitutional.

What treaty was signed hoping to avoid war with Britain and negotiated by John Jay?

Jays Treaty

Why were some Americans unhappy with jays treaty?

because the treaty did not deal with the issue of impressment and did not mention British interference with American trade. also because in jays treaty the americans had to pay there debts from the war that they won.

What to events allowed the US to preserve the territories set in the Treaty of Paris?

The Jays Treaty and The Pinkney's treaty (I might've spelled Pinkney's wrong)

What was the outcome of the north Atlantic treaty?

The outcome of the North Atlantic treaty organization, known as NATO, was a more stable and secure Europe. The treaty binds several countries together to act as one.

What was an outcome of north Atlantic treaty?

The outcome of the North Atlantic treaty organization, known as NATO, was a more stable and secure Europe. The treaty binds several countries together to act as one.

What was an outcome of the North Atlantic Treaty?

The outcome of the North Atlantic treaty organization, known as NATO, was a more stable and secure Europe. The treaty binds several countries together to act as one.

Why did the french object to Jays treaty?

because they thought that his ideas were nonsense